Review – Gone Baby Gone

One of my favorite crime movie. I wrote an article about Gone Baby Gone last year on Hubpages with the philosophical analysis. But, I like to see how others understand this movie as well.

A Door Into Movies

gone_baby_gone_xlg                                  Rating = ★★★★

Crime movies have taken place in a lot of cities. When you get down to it, though, there’s mainly a few that are most often re-visited. Boston seems to be the main one. It’s hard to explain, but everything comes off so much deeper and real. From the characters, to something as simple as the atmosphere. Gone Baby Gone is based from one of Dennis Lehane novels. Another one of his novels had already hit the big screen, Mystic River. Clint Eastwood directed. The bar was set extremely high in his suburb adaptation of Lehane’s compelling story. Which top tier director takes on this? That would be Ben Affleck, in his directional debut. His acting cannot even be compared to Clint Eastwood, but now he tries to see how good he can be behind the camera. He exceeds all expectations tenfold.

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Fight Club

I love Fight Club. It is such a classic movie. I love how the blogger provides a great review of this movie. Thumbs up.

Fast Film Reviews

Fight Club photo starrating-4stars.jpgAn everyman, let’s call him “Jack“, is discontent with his life and pretty much with life in general. Jack begins attending support groups for problems from which he doesn’t suffer, in an effort to make his personal existence seem better by comparison. At first it works until the presence of another fraud, Marla Singer, disrupts his healing process. Then he meets Tyler Durden, a soap salesman with a mutual distaste for consumerist culture. The two embark on a journey of doctrine to mutually improve their lives.

At heart Fight Club rests on the relationship between its central trio. Edward Norton capably embodies the loser emboldened by fighting. He is at once pathetic, but mesmerizing. His all consuming quest to lift himself out of the mire of his life, is captivating. As the film progresses, he becomes more and more debilitating in outward appearance, while manifesting a more confident attitude. Brad…

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9 Things To Do Before Season 9 of Supernatural

Apparently, I laughed out loud when I read this blog post. A funny way to prepare new season of Supernatural!

Three Chic Geeks


Teasers, photos, metas, gifsets, spoilers and wild speculative theories for season 9 of CW’s Supernatural are left, right, center, above and below you. You can’t look at fireworks or airplanes in the night sky or shooting stars without sobbing in pain and cursing the name of Metatron; if you had a wish right now, you’d use it to sing the chorus of a Lily Allen song in his face (you know which one I mean). Going nuts from waiting for the next season of a show is one slippery slope – just look at BBC Sherlock. To keep yourself from going crazy until the next season premieres in October (so close, oh so close, yet not quite there), we recommend doing the things on this handy list. Just… to keep it together, just a little bit. Or not.

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